
Family Members in Busia left homeless after Fire destroys Their Houses.

At least three members of different families in Okwame-Amagoro village, in Busia-Uganda have been left homeless after a fire outbreak left their houses burnt down to ashes.

The incident according to Charles Erute the village LC1 Chairperson happened on Thursday morning.

Erute told Jogoo FM that he received a phone call from one of the residents informing him that three grass thatched houses were burning which prompted him to rush at the scene.

He said, with the help of other residents they tried to stop the fire but in vain.

According to the village chairperson, the houses that were affected belonged to Okware James, Godfrey Olwanyi, and a yet to be identified resident. They were all not in their houses when the fire broke out.

Some residents have attributed the incident to witchcraft.

However, Okware James, one of the affected victims said that by the time the fire broke out, he had taken his animals for grazing while his wife had also left their home to attend a meeting.

He suspects that one of his sons unknowingly set the house ablaze after trying to use a matchbox to light the cooking stove which in turn wedged the other two houses in the neighborhood.

He says the fire destroyed his family savings of 200,000ugx and all other belongings.

Meanwhile, Godfrey Olwenyi another affected victim says that the incident has left his family homeless and has appealed to well-wishers to run to their rescue as they have no where to sleep because the fire destroyed all their clothes and other valuable belongings.


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